How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (2024)

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (1)

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  • Increase virtual memory in Settings
  • Increase virtual memory in Command Prompt

OnWindows 11, virtual memory (also referred to as "paging file") is a feature that temporarily stores less frequent page files loaded into system memory (RAM or Random Access Memory) onto the hard drive. The feature permits Windows to use faster physical memory for running apps and processes. The result isbetter performancewhile preventing the system from freezing up if memory runs out.

The system can manage the paging file size automatically. However, it may be required to change the default virtual memory settings manually in some situations. For instance, when the computer is exhibiting performance issues, an application requires specific memory settings to work correctly, or you stumble upon the "Your system is low on virtual memory" message.

Whatever the case might be, Windows 11 includes at least two different ways to increase the virtual memory capacity to overcome limitations with the system memory using the Settings app and Command Prompt.

In this Windows 11 guide, we'll walk you through the steps to increase the virtual memory size to make your device a little faster.

Warning:Although nothing stops you from changing the paging file size, you should only use these instructions if you have a good reason and know what you're doing.

How to increase virtual memory through Settings

To modify the virtual memory settings on Windows 11, use these steps:

  1. OpenSettings.
  2. Click onSystem.
  3. Click theAboutpage on the right side.

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (2)

  1. In the "Related links" section, click theAdvanced system settingsoption.

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (3)

  1. Click theAdvancedtab.
  2. Under the "Performance" section, click theSettingsbutton.

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (4)

  1. Click theAdvancedtab again.
  2. Under the "Virtual memory" section, click theChangebutton.

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (5)

  1. Clear the"Automatically manage paging files size for all drives"option.
  2. Select theCustom sizeoption.
  3. Specify the initial and maximum size for the paging file in megabytes.Quick tip:The virtual memory size will differ for everyone. However, usually, you should use a number that's one and a half times the total available memory for the "Initial size" and three times of available memory for the "Maximum size."
  4. Click theSetbutton.

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (6)

  1. Click theOKbutton.
  2. Click theOKbutton again.
  3. Restart your device.

Once you complete the steps, the overall system performance should increase while navigating the desktop and running applications.

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If you change your mind, you can undo the changes with the same instructions, but onstep 9, check the"Automatically manage paging size for all drives"option and restart the computer.

How to increase virtual memory through Command Prompt

To change the paging file size with commands on Windows 11, use these steps:

  1. OpenStart.
  2. Search forCommand Prompt, right-click the top result, and select theRun as administratoroption.
  3. Type the following command to understand the current paging file and pressEnter:wmic pagefile list /format:list

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (7)

  1. Type the following command to switch from system managed to custom virtual memory on Windows 11 and pressEnter:wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=false

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (8)

  1. Type the following command to configure the initial and maximum virtual memory size and pressEnter:wmic pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=YOUR-INIT-SIZE,MaximumSize=YOUR-MAX-SIZE

    This example sets the paging file to "9216" and "12288" megabytes for the initial and maxium size:wmic pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=9216,MaximumSize=12288

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (9)

  1. Type the following command to restart the device and pressEnter:shutdown -r -t 00

After you complete the steps, the computer should start showing a boost in performance.

When you no longer need this configuration, you can run thewmic computersystem where name="%computername%" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=truecommand to revert the changes and restart the computer.

Although there are some recommendations to configure the virtual manually, you should always take the time to test the configurations and modify the values if the system starts having stability problems.

If you think that the device doesn't need virtual memory only because you have a large amount of physical memory, you shouldn't disable the feature. The reason is that the system needs the paging file. Otherwise, you may experience problems running applications and using many Windows 11 features.

More Windows resources

For more helpful articles, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10 and Windows 11, visit the following resources:

  • Windows 11 on Windows Central — All you need to know
  • Windows 10 on Windows Central — All you need to know

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (10)

Mauro Huculak

Mauro Huculak is technical writer for His primary focus is to write comprehensive how-tos to help users get the most out of Windows 10 and its many related technologies. He has an IT background with professional certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, and CompTIA, and he's a recognized member of the Microsoft MVP community.

How to manage virtual memory on windows 11 (2024)


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